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A 11 month hate and harassment campaign against me and transfering also against commuity wellness -- I can proove in court --they this hate collective refuses to leave me alone --- the source is PROOF colorado health network -- how far upward the chain into Ryan White Care act -- I am not sure yet!

This PRESENCE ON THE WEB EXISTS FOR A REASON -- Please allow the transsition -- but why should I give them a break?

Because POPE FRANCIS tells us so ---

We must UNITE!   We have no other choice through the QUICKENING ---

My name is James Martin Driskill l ---- I am operating from my mom's home
in San Bernardino CA 3260 Grande Vista CA 92405 ---where still there is an imbalance
involving case managements.......  at  Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino

MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE to this story for sure.


Please open and listen to this Audio of the text from Glassdoor Employee Reviews in Spoken Voice Audio:

So So So Sad Emoji Image with #HereForYouNow Tag was Authored and Created An Indexed To
Our Society On The Date Of:

Google Searches:

[ gruwup #HereForYou ]:

[ gruwup #HereForYouNow ]:

[ gruwup #HereForYouNot ]:

The First Posting Showing #HereForYou : #HerreForYouNow : #HereForYouNot is showing posted on facebook
on May 12th 2017 on facebook:

Letter of Suspension Was Issued To Client #12153 was on June 6th 2017 under the following circumstances:

  • On Glassdoor, the report is wildly showing every thing I have said about what happened in my eviction case in Denver as a #ConspiracyExposed first events internal of building Tenancy and then on the week of July 4th this year, the involvement of Jamie Villalobos as I am kneeling down on the ground outside of their office to pick up and sort through some papers I getting returned before leaving town.... On the ground, he is shoving this document that I am not even aware I am suppose to be receiving. He could not even hold his hate well enough to be standing eye to eye before this document just had to be transferred into my hand. That is an extreme bias of something --- seething in his mind.

  • I was already early to the time passing to meet outside at the door by two minute. The rush time was nothing but his hate agenda. The document was dated on June 6th, the day I recorded this video earlier in the day... with also client Sammie Francher as Camera Op.

  • Facebook Live : James M Driskill was live. June 6 at 9:23am : 1 Hour 10 Mins

  • For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : Sammie Franche

  • The document he was shoving at me was dated June 6th -- unsigned being shoved at me as I am on the ground. Never executed.

  • The statement for a SUSPENSION LETTER of services for 6 months for events set up in the office after this recording was made. Nothing but pure fiction.

  • This recording has Sammie and I running through the entire set of business cards from Colorado Health Network.

  • My friend Sammie was reading them and I was placing them onto an arrangement of rebuilding a foundation of wisdom function. That is a presentation in the video.

  • Why would I create such an intentional video and then go over to their office and make a disruption in their office they claim.

  • Of course there was contention to a disagreement and then onto a lie that was established against the occurring events.

  • I left with a statement --- logically if that statement considered now a lie was fact, it would have altered the whole event to event passing into this set up.

  • I walk out of the office on my own accord -- no slamming doors or anything like that.

  • They made the document dated June 6th with errors of truth. Never telling me about this document to be hand delivered.

  • I physically drove to New York on the plan to change my US CITIZENSHIP to another country. I am serious.

  • On my way back in July in when this happened. These events so obvious -- this is self-evident. But all of my entire case record is full of this shit for 10 years straight -- the conspiracy is just opening the door. I want you to open your mind up to a truth record -- live media - live things -- documented in live detail -- TRUE.

  • I have a remedy to this suggested for many months to the acknowledge of this hate conspiracy as being real, a breech of tenancy at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments actually occurred --  two dates apply.  One In March when I went into the office in duress of events -- which includes my car being stolen in Jan. I spoke about building security that day and related things.  But for sure when on May 11th 2016, I issued the follow email titled : Abusive Relationships I want to pursue a lawsuit.

    How can any community allow hate to win?

    I propose a complete set of persons involved to be in the attendance of an real time space event here in Southern Calfornia,

    Person to Person Face to Face appolgies and certified signed promises that there was a conspiracy and that conspiracy is no longer active and engaged to the hateful harming hurtful working hidden agenda against members of the community.

    The amount of the breech of contract --- is to be forwarded to the COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT CAUSE of


    At their expense, I want my few network of friends to be in attendance of this meeting to be held here in California.

    absolutely nothing phases these people into conscience to a working wellness of a community. If they fail to meet my
    stipulations, I am going to relate a state of mental condition onto a person here Angela Elizabeth Keady.

    For all of the time that I own these domains, there has always been a presence of consideration that the model
    of persuasive technology would not produce any effect.  As it is employed by a circumstance that no one
    in general since would want to be placed at this domain -- in a way -- showing it's hard to miss line binding of

    You can find this is actually true -- this is my case manager and what is placed there is true.  A person's typical
    reaction would be --- what?  OH BOY?  "Yes  -- WOW --- YEEKS  --- What the fuck?    Really -- my name there?

    That is a space of extreme -- it is a real space.  So, if that is a real space one typically want to avoid -- they
    whom are presented this into view -- get it -- take the mode of correction and moderation for removal seriously.
    An apology is generated and the folder removed.  That is a general binding of reputation that one would see
    true.  Some people have taken it out to a humor way too --- it being only temporary and move into a mode as
    well of applied reconciliation and start to actually read and discuss why and apology.

    And notion it is possible to agree to disagree -- not typically would I put something to that space with just a minor
    presentation of offense.  It is about the serious things.  So, if one takes that binding normally, esp on their real
    name, there is a reactive return of I am here discuss --- what can I do -- and move into that change frame of mind.

    But one type of personally, I have always said -- would be unaffected completely by this process. 

    A person who absolutely does not care for their future.  [ a possible suicidal or homicidal person ]
    A person who is lacking care of conscience --- the definition of a psychopath.

    noun: psychopath; plural noun: psychopaths
    1. a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.


      madman, madwoman, maniac, lunatic, psychotic, sociopath; More
      informalloony, fruitcake, nutcase, nutjob, nut, psycho, schizo, head case, sicko, screwball, crazy, kook, loon
      "by definition, is every psychopath a danger to himself or others?"
      • informal
        an unstable and aggressive person.
        "schoolyard psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants"
    Translate psychopath to
    Use over time for: psychopath

    That is why so much of this material goes to the wellness DOCTOR HEALTH CARE --- because really
    something that I am trying to do -- really needs a health care initiative to validate its function and purpose.

    This is a letter I have directed to my very own care doctor at University of Colorado Hospital [ ] and this was directed to her via their online - My Health Connection -- messaging system. [ 🗣️ 10 Min Audio Spoken Voice Text ]

    The document of reference I most use to relate this connection -- typically written for overseas affairs - but
    definitely has local function scopes of applications worded and defined too.  There is that word Well Being
    placed dishonored above.

    Conflict and health: Peace building through health initiatives
    by G MacQueen - ‎2000 - ‎Cited by 95 - ‎Related articles
    The recent surge of interest in “peace building” as a theme of foreign policy is leading to advances in thinking in evaluation, and recent studies have begun to develop indicators for the peace and conflict impact of development projects, including health initiatives, in conflict zones.

    The third basis of health-peace initiatives is legitimacy. Unlike the two previous concepts, which refer to the discourse and culture of health professionals, this concept refers to the society within which health care is embedded. Healthcare workers are often accorded high legitimacy by society. In North America, for example, physicians have in recent years been consistently ranked by the public as among the most honest and ethical of all professionals. Although this may be inappropriate, and changing in many countries, they have been given a far higher rating than politicians,1618 allowing them to exert considerable influence when they choose to do so. 

    Strengthening the social fabric

    Health care is one of the chief means by which members of a society express their commitment to each other's wellbeing. An adequate healthcare system accessible to all members of society can promote feelings of security and of belonging to a broad, inclusive group that respects people and meets their common needs.


    There are many here in this history that apparently have not cared their actions were placed onto the web this way.

    Are they in the catagory I say above, I will repeat

    first person was placed the way: :

    In order for you to understand a principle here -- a subdomain defintion is a space within the entire filespace from it's root.
    If it has certain characters such as [ ] wihin the filename, it cannot be put to pointer and subdomain access point.

    These folders with [ ] are considered temporary or in a state of change.  Folder or file titles without these characters are considered permantly to put subdomain on. :

    If what is written filed here -- does not embarrass --- does not cause a concern - they must be perhaps a pychopath.

    In that definition here, I am going to make a report to this situation after December 1st -- if my meeting can not be
    established. The matter to which there are others same classification here on the line.

    George Mark Adsit has the following documented placement:

    Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-313-1459

    Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - #FuckedUpHumanGeyserAssholes/ 01-Sep-2016 09:14 - George Mark Adsit What the hell is wrong with this conversation - - Gmail_files/ 12-Mar-2016 21:20 - James Driskill _ LinkedIn_files/ 08-Nov-2017 07:26 - LinkedIn-Messaging-[ Mark George Adsit ]- Blocked_files/ 06-Nov-2017 22:29 - TruthFinder [ George Mark Adsit ]_files/ 12-Mar-2016 21:23 - 13-Mar-2016 11:35 - George Mark Adsit What the hell is wrong with this conversation - - Gmail.htm 12-Mar-2016 21:18 1.1M James Driskill _ LinkedIn.html 08-Nov-2017 06:13 1.3M LinkedIn-Messaging-[ Mark George Adsit ]- Blocked.html 06-Nov-2017 21:27 924K TO-George Mark Adsit[Pt1] .mp3 13-Mar-2016 10:48 954K TO-George Mark Adsit[Pt2] .mp3 13-Mar-2016 10:48 808K TO-George Mark Adsit[Pt3] .mp3 13-Mar-2016 10:48 644K TruthFinder [ George Mark Adsit ].htm 12-Mar-2016 20:59 154K


    So applying these -- -I am not sure what can be done -- -but something has to be done.

    How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away › Health
    Oct 20, 2011 - Psychopaths may be cunning and manipulative, but subtle clues buried in ... Psycopaths are estimated to make up 1 percent of the population and up to 25 ... speech, Hancock and his colleagues looked at a number of factors, ... And finally, while most of us respond to higher-level needs, such as family, ...

    10 Careers With the Most Psychopaths | Alternet
    Jun 21, 2015 - In some fields, being a psychopath is actually a great way to get ahead. Are you a psychopath? Happens to the best of us. James Fallon, a ...

    They can't stay in our society this way -- they learn to behave because they are exposed and no one will come to see them anymore --- but if something has already been done criminal - they deserve to be checked at least for possible danger to themselves, suicidal or others homicides or harming criminally others criminals.

    I have the balls to this best practices --- even if not a single healthcare worker attaches to me for validity.

    I am wrecked to my first case to have to be a psychopath mayday -- -maliciousness is defiantly on the record.
    by how can they say not them -- for they give no response -- I will figure out what process that is --- after December 1st.

    Or come to the meeting and fix this -- I don't want my first case to be a collective of psychopaths protecting one another.

    But anything is possible -- with the intentional poisoning of the Flint Michigan Water System by putting raw river water
    into the system and scour the oxides in the pipes to the drinking and bodies randomly harming -- anything is possible people.

    For that, I want it on the record that I James Martin Driskill is the one who cleared the society of the psychopaths. For I don't believe most are true psychopaths, --- its a game and life is too less serious than a game.  That is not the same.  The game
    then is about challenging things -- which I am doing -- and I wonder how many people just get a hick out of making
    a wave in a persons life -- -because they can -- they do -- -and get a way it -- just for the fun and entertainment purpose.

    Catfishing calls that into this equation ---- but we can't say all --- but having a system set up like what I propose
    will --- I guarantee it -- be a beacon that clears away immediately all of that nonsense --- and start getting into reality.

    Never had been a goal -- never considered it would be practicle to take away things that quick --- that in a general since
    can be restructured under role playing and adult to adult consent and play time ways.  That is all that is applies ---
    thus why the other part of my mission here -- takes into the school of though practice.

    We are done with this edit.


    Tell customers about the products and services that set you apart


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    Denver Colorado AIDS ProjectAttract customers with a headline

    Wellness Program in Denver [ With GlassDoor Former Employee Reviews In View -- How can Wellness Be The Goal Mission Of Excellence ] : Have a special going on? Tell customers about it here.
    6260 East Colfax Ave, Denver, COOpening at 9:00 AMOpen today until 5:00 PMOpening at 9:00 AM tomorrowOpening at 9:00 AM on MondaySorry, we're closed

    Change cover photo

    I am under a DOS attack -- This is hugeAbout us

    A 11 month hate and harassment campaign against me and transfering also against commuity wellness -- I can proove in court --they this hate collective refuses to leave me alone --- the source is PROOF colorado health network -- how far upward the chain into Ryan White Care act -- I am not sure yet!

    This PRESENCE ON THE WEB EXISTS FOR A REASON -- Please allow the transsition -- but why should I give them a break?

    Because POPE FRANCIS tells us so ---

    We must UNITE!   We have no other choice through the QUICKENING ---

    My name is James Martin Driskill l ---- I am operating from my mom's home
    in San Bernardino CA 3260 Grande Vista CA 92405 ---where still there is an imbalance
    involving case managements.......  at  Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino

    MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE to this story for sure.


    Please open and listen to this Audio of the text from Glassdoor Employee Reviews in Spoken Voice Audio:

    So So So Sad Emoji Image with #HereForYouNow Tag was Authored and Created An Indexed To
    Our Society On The Date Of:

    Google Searches:

    [ gruwup #HereForYou ]:

    [ gruwup #HereForYouNow ]:

    [ gruwup #HereForYouNot ]:

    The First Posting Showing #HereForYou : #HerreForYouNow : #HereForYouNot is showing posted on facebook
    on May 12th 2017 on facebook:

    Letter of Suspension Was Issued To Client #12153 was on June 6th 2017 under the following circumstances:

  • On Glassdoor, the report is wildly showing every thing I have said about what happened in my eviction case in Denver as a #ConspiracyExposed first events internal of building Tenancy and then on the week of July 4th this year, the involvement of Jamie Villalobos as I am kneeling down on the ground outside of their office to pick up and sort through some papers I getting returned before leaving town.... On the ground, he is shoving this document that I am not even aware I am suppose to be receiving. He could not even hold his hate well enough to be standing eye to eye before this document just had to be transferred into my hand. That is an extreme bias of something --- seething in his mind.

  • I was already early to the time passing to meet outside at the door by two minute. The rush time was nothing but his hate agenda. The document was dated on June 6th, the day I recorded this video earlier in the day... with also client Sammie Francher as Camera Op.

  • Facebook Live : James M Driskill was live. June 6 at 9:23am : 1 Hour 10 Mins

  • For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : Sammie Franche

  • The document he was shoving at me was dated June 6th -- unsigned being shoved at me as I am on the ground. Never executed.

  • The statement for a SUSPENSION LETTER of services for 6 months for events set up in the office after this recording was made. Nothing but pure fiction.

  • This recording has Sammie and I running through the entire set of business cards from Colorado Health Network.

  • My friend Sammie was reading them and I was placing them onto an arrangement of rebuilding a foundation of wisdom function. That is a presentation in the video.

  • Why would I create such an intentional video and then go over to their office and make a disruption in their office they claim.

  • Of course there was contention to a disagreement and then onto a lie that was established against the occurring events.

  • I left with a statement --- logically if that statement considered now a lie was fact, it would have altered the whole event to event passing into this set up.

  • I walk out of the office on my own accord -- no slamming doors or anything like that.

  • They made the document dated June 6th with errors of truth. Never telling me about this document to be hand delivered.

  • I physically drove to New York on the plan to change my US CITIZENSHIP to another country. I am serious.

  • On my way back in July in when this happened. These events so obvious -- this is self-evident. But all of my entire case record is full of this shit for 10 years straight -- the conspiracy is just opening the door. I want you to open your mind up to a truth record -- live media - live things -- documented in live detail -- TRUE.

  • I have a remedy to this suggested for many months to the acknowledge of this hate conspiracy as being real, a breech of tenancy at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments actually occurred --  two dates apply.  One In March when I went into the office in duress of events -- which includes my car being stolen in Jan. I spoke about building security that day and related things.  But for sure when on May 11th 2016, I issued the follow email titled : Abusive Relationships I want to pursue a lawsuit.

    How can any community allow hate to win?

    I propose a complete set of persons involved to be in the attendance of an real time space event here in Southern Calfornia,

    Person to Person Face to Face appolgies and certified signed promises that there was a conspiracy and that conspiracy is no longer active and engaged to the hateful harming hurtful working hidden agenda against members of the community.

    The amount of the breech of contract --- is to be forwarded to the COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT CAUSE of


    At their expense, I want my few network of friends to be in attendance of this meeting to be held here in California.

    absolutely nothing phases these people into conscience to a working wellness of a community. If they fail to meet my
    stipulations, I am going to relate a state of mental condition onto a person here Angela Elizabeth Keady.

    For all of the time that I own these domains, there has always been a presence of consideration that the model
    of persuasive technology would not produce any effect.  As it is employed by a circumstance that no one
    in general since would want to be placed at this domain -- in a way -- showing it's hard to miss line binding of

    You can find this is actually true -- this is my case manager and what is placed there is true.  A person's typical
    reaction would be --- what?  OH BOY?  "Yes  -- WOW --- YEEKS  --- What the fuck?    Really -- my name there?

    That is a space of extreme -- it is a real space.  So, if that is a real space one typically want to avoid -- they
    whom are presented this into view -- get it -- take the mode of correction and moderation for removal seriously.
    An apology is generated and the folder removed.  That is a general binding of reputation that one would see
    true.  Some people have taken it out to a humor way too --- it being only temporary and move into a mode as
    well of applied reconciliation and start to actually read and discuss why and apology.

    And notion it is possible to agree to disagree -- not typically would I put something to that space with just a minor
    presentation of offense.  It is about the serious things.  So, if one takes that binding normally, esp on their real
    name, there is a reactive return of I am here discuss --- what can I do -- and move into that change frame of mind.

    But one type of personally, I have always said -- would be unaffected completely by this process. 

    A person who absolutely does not care for their future.  [ a possible suicidal or homicidal person ]
    A person who is lacking care of conscience --- the definition of a psychopath.

    noun: psychopath; plural noun: psychopaths
    1. a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.


      madman, madwoman, maniac, lunatic, psychotic, sociopath; More
      informalloony, fruitcake, nutcase, nutjob, nut, psycho, schizo, head case, sicko, screwball, crazy, kook, loon
      "by definition, is every psychopath a danger to himself or others?"
      • informal
        an unstable and aggressive person.
        "schoolyard psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants"
    Translate psychopath to
    Use over time for: psychopath

    That is why so much of this material goes to the wellness DOCTOR HEALTH CARE --- because really
    something that I am trying to do -- really needs a health care initiative to validate its function and purpose.

    This is a letter I have directed to my very own care doctor at University of Colorado Hospital [ ] and this was directed to her via their online - My Health Connection -- messaging system. [ 🗣️ 10 Min Audio Spoken Voice Text ]

    The document of reference I most use to relate this connection -- typically written for overseas affairs - but
    definitely has local function scopes of applications worded and defined too.  There is that word Well Being
    placed dishonored above.

    Conflict and health: Peace building through health initiatives
    by G MacQueen - ‎2000 - ‎Cited by 95 - ‎Related articles
    The recent surge of interest in “peace building” as a theme of foreign policy is leading to advances in thinking in evaluation, and recent studies have begun to develop indicators for the peace and conflict impact of development projects, including health initiatives, in conflict zones.

    The third basis of health-peace initiatives is legitimacy. Unlike the two previous concepts, which refer to the discourse and culture of health professionals, this concept refers to the society within which health care is embedded. Healthcare workers are often accorded high legitimacy by society. In North America, for example, physicians have in recent years been consistently ranked by the public as among the most honest and ethical of all professionals. Although this may be inappropriate, and changing in many countries, they have been given a far higher rating than politicians,1618 allowing them to exert considerable influence when they choose to do so. 

    Strengthening the social fabric

    Health care is one of the chief means by which members of a society express their commitment to each other's wellbeing. An adequate healthcare system accessible to all members of society can promote feelings of security and of belonging to a broad, inclusive group that respects people and meets their common needs.


    There are many here in this history that apparently have not cared their actions were placed onto the web this way.

    Are they in the catagory I say above, I will repeat

    first person was placed the way: :

    In order for you to understand a principle here -- a subdomain defintion is a space within the entire filespace from it's root.
    If it has certain characters such as [ ] wihin the filename, it cannot be put to pointer and subdomain access point.

    These folders with [ ] are considered temporary or in a state of change.  Folder or file titles without these characters are considered permantly to put subdomain on. :

    If what is written filed here -- does not embarrass --- does not cause a concern - they must be perhaps a pychopath.

    In that definition here, I am going to make a report to this situation after December 1st -- if my meeting can not be
    established. The matter to which there are others same classification here on the line.

    George Mark Adsit has the following documented placement:

    Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-313-1459

    Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - #FuckedUpHumanGeyserAssholes/ 01-Sep-2016 09:14 - George Mark Adsit What the hell is wrong with this conversation - - Gmail_files/ 12-Mar-2016 21:20 - James Driskill _ LinkedIn_files/ 08-Nov-2017 07:26 - LinkedIn-Messaging-[ Mark George Adsit ]- Blocked_files/ 06-Nov-2017 22:29 - TruthFinder [ George Mark Adsit ]_files/ 12-Mar-2016 21:23 - 13-Mar-2016 11:35 - George Mark Adsit What the hell is wrong with this conversation - - Gmail.htm 12-Mar-2016 21:18 1.1M James Driskill _ LinkedIn.html 08-Nov-2017 06:13 1.3M LinkedIn-Messaging-[ Mark George Adsit ]- Blocked.html 06-Nov-2017 21:27 924K TO-George Mark Adsit[Pt1] .mp3 13-Mar-2016 10:48 954K TO-George Mark Adsit[Pt2] .mp3 13-Mar-2016 10:48 808K TO-George Mark Adsit[Pt3] .mp3 13-Mar-2016 10:48 644K TruthFinder [ George Mark Adsit ].htm 12-Mar-2016 20:59 154K


    So applying these -- -I am not sure what can be done -- -but something has to be done.

    How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away › Health
    Oct 20, 2011 - Psychopaths may be cunning and manipulative, but subtle clues buried in ... Psycopaths are estimated to make up 1 percent of the population and up to 25 ... speech, Hancock and his colleagues looked at a number of factors, ... And finally, while most of us respond to higher-level needs, such as family, ...

    10 Careers With the Most Psychopaths | Alternet
    Jun 21, 2015 - In some fields, being a psychopath is actually a great way to get ahead. Are you a psychopath? Happens to the best of us. James Fallon, a ...

    They can't stay in our society this way -- they learn to behave because they are exposed and no one will come to see them anymore --- but if something has already been done criminal - they deserve to be checked at least for possible danger to themselves, suicidal or others homicides or harming criminally others criminals.

    I have the balls to this best practices --- even if not a single healthcare worker attaches to me for validity.

    I am wrecked to my first case to have to be a psychopath mayday -- -maliciousness is defiantly on the record.
    by how can they say not them -- for they give no response -- I will figure out what process that is --- after December 1st.

    Or come to the meeting and fix this -- I don't want my first case to be a collective of psychopaths protecting one another.

    But anything is possible -- with the intentional poisoning of the Flint Michigan Water System by putting raw river water
    into the system and scour the oxides in the pipes to the drinking and bodies randomly harming -- anything is possible people.

    For that, I want it on the record that I James Martin Driskill is the one who cleared the society of the psychopaths. For I don't believe most are true psychopaths, --- its a game and life is too less serious than a game.  That is not the same.  The game
    then is about challenging things -- which I am doing -- and I wonder how many people just get a hick out of making
    a wave in a persons life -- -because they can -- they do -- -and get a way it -- just for the fun and entertainment purpose.

    Catfishing calls that into this equation ---- but we can't say all --- but having a system set up like what I propose
    will --- I guarantee it -- be a beacon that clears away immediately all of that nonsense --- and start getting into reality.

    Never had been a goal -- never considered it would be practicle to take away things that quick --- that in a general since
    can be restructured under role playing and adult to adult consent and play time ways.  That is all that is applies ---
    thus why the other part of my mission here -- takes into the school of though practice.

    We are done with this edit.


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